
Wittenstein – TP+ – High Torque, Compact Precision Gearbox

Compact top performers with output flange. The standard version is ideally suited for high positioning accuracy and highly dynamic cyclic operation. Wittensteins TP HIGH TORQUE is particularly well suited for high-precision applications in which high torsional rigidity is required.

Technical Data

Version MF MA
Ratio c)  i 4-100 22-303
Number of sizes  7  8
Max. torsional backlash c)  jt [arcmin] Standard ≤ 3 Standard ≤ 1
Reduced ≤ 1 Reduced -
Torsional rigidity  Ct21 [Nm] 1450 5800
Max.  torque  T2a [Nm] 43-9600 315-40000
Max. input speed  n1Max [rpm] 7500 7500
Max. tilting moment  M2KMax 8800 71400


c)  Based on reference sizes