Trio – Euro404 and Euro408 – Motion Co-ordinator

P831 (Euro404) | P832 (Euro404 Servo) | P833 (Euro408) | P834 (Euro408 Servo)

The Euro404 and Euro408 Motion Coordinators are designed to provide a powerful yet cost effective control solution for OEM machine builders that are prepared to mount the unit and provide the power supplies required.



  • Linear, Circular, Helical and Spherical Interpolation
  • Flexible CAM shapes, Linked Motion
  • Biss, EnDAT and SSI Absolute Encoder Supported
  • Hardware Linked Outputs for Camera / Laser Control
  • Ethernet-IP / Modbus TCP / Ethernet Interface Built-In
  • 125 – 2000 µsec Selectable Servo Update
  • Precise 64 bit Motion Calculations on ARM11 Processor with VFP
  • IEC 61131 Programming
  • Multi-tasking BASIC Programming
  • Text File Handling
  • Robotic Transformations
  • SD Memory Card Slot
  • CANopen I/O Expansion
  • 3U rack mount format
  • RoHS approved

The flexible axis ports can be configured in software as feedback devices or pulse direction outputs. As outputs they can be used as pulse and direction with stepper or servo drives or they can operate as a simulated encoder output.

When configured as feedback they can be either incremental encoder input or one of three popular absolute encoder types; SSI, Tamagawa, Endat or Biss. Any feedback axis can be used with a voltage output to form a closed loop servo.

The P446 Breakout Board allows expansion via 8 9-way Dtype Flexible Axis connectors.

The Euro404 / 408 features a total of 16 axes in software. Any axes not assigned to built-in hardware can be used as a virtual axis. Every axis can be programmed to move using linear, circular or helical or spherical interpolation, electronic cams, linked axes and gearboxes.


Euro404 and Euro408


UKCA Certified