Trio – CAN 16 Output Module (P317)

Our range of digital and analogue input/output expansion modules are designed to enable simple and scalable and low-cost I/O extension for our Motion Coordinators. In addition to 24V input, output and bi-directional modules, there are relay and analogue I/O modules.


CAN Module (P317)

The Trio CAN16 Output module offers a compact DIN rail mounted output expansion capability for all Trio Motion Coordinators. Up to 16 modules may be connected to the CAN network which may be up to 100m long.

This provides 256 distributed output channels at 24Vdc level. All points are short-circuit proof and completely isolated from the CANbus. P317 modules may be mixed on the same bus, with other types in the Trio CAN I/O range.

The Trio CANbus I/O expansion can considerably reduce machine wiring




UKCA Certified

UL Listed