
Smart Technologies Are Changing Packaging Performance

Smart Technologies Are Changing Packaging Performance

The rise in consumer demand is driving the growing need for more throughput, more product per minute, and more repeatable and accurate performance of packaging machines. This demand is moving the industry toward more integrative and automated technologies to deliver efficiencies and performance in the packaging machine market. This integration is also creating...

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TwinSpin® successfully integrated into flight simulator joysticks

TwinSpin® successfully integrated into flight simulator joysticks

Over the past few years, SPINEA® has developed a specialised product for a high-tech company in the aerospace and defence industry.  The high-precision TwinSpin® T-series gearboxes have been successfully integrated into the joysticks of special flight simulators. A specific reverse torque value and constant oscillation are the main parameters for this application,...

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Advancing Exoskeleton Technology: Key Motion and Motor Design Considerations

Advancing Exoskeleton Technology: Key Motion and Motor Design Considerations

In the ever-changing field of robotics and wearable technology, exoskeletons hold growing promise in several applications — revolutionizing human mobility and performance. The technology is most common today in selective physical rehab applications; but eventually, it could become ubiquitous in at-home-care and assisted-living environments — allowing users to...

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SPINEA an excellent choice for outdoor robots

SPINEA an excellent choice for outdoor robots

Robots for outdoor environments have created a huge opportunity for development in the areas of autonomous driving, artificial intelligence, orientation in space, and movement in challenging environments. Gearboxes from SPINEA® will be part of this process and progress. The steam and water-powered machines of the first stage of the Industrial Revolution simplified...

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Remote robotic camera systems for the film and broadcast industry

Remote robotic camera systems for the film and broadcast industry

SPINEA, s.r.o. has been supplying its reduction gearboxes for several years to Filmotechnic, a leader in the development of special camera systems for the film industry. Their camera systems have been used on many successful feature films such as Fast and furious 9, James Bond, Mission impossible, Transformers, Transporter, Avatar, Hobbits, Tomb raider, Star wars,...

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